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SL Academy


Consulting & Creativity
Events Organization & Media Marketing
"Sport & Lifestyle"

@Event isKnowledge


Innovation in knowledge processes and aimed at unique events, based on the objectives of each individual company, private individual and/or institution, also with Sports Champions or Professionals of international standing who are part of the SL Academy team.

@Lifestyle is Essential


@Experiece is Well-being


Programs designed, created and customizable to make the most of each experience, in environments dedicated to sustainability, to enjoy a lifestyle that is always at theTop

@Sport is Lifestyle


@Sustainability is
the normality Top


Events  made and customizable for  experiences and lifestyles in contexts of maximum sustainability"Top Level One's" 


  • Jun 08, 2025, 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM GMT+2
    Marcianise, Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 81025 Marcianise CE, Italia
    Caserta Race Tour - Make our Word a Better Place to Stay! Preparati per una Kermesse nuova e strepitosa, dedicato agli amanti del ciclismo, del fitness, della cultura, del benessere e delle tradizioni.
Una ragazza seduta in piscina di fronte al mare

@Luxury is The Essence


Where luxury meets quality of life 

Luxury events and customized programs on request

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